International Engineering Technology Innovation Forum

International Engineering Technology Innovation Forum

On November 3rd, a forum about engineering science and technology innovation was held in Suzhou Xiangcheng. It focused on the latest scientific, technological and innovative (STI) development trends and how to use those global resources to promote international engineering cooperation.

Some leading scientists, academicians and professors shared their understanding and showed the importance of new materials and intelligent manufacturing in Astronomy and Aerospace. Applications of advanced materials in industries are essential to economic security and human welfare. Yet it can take 20 years or more to fully develop and bring a new material to the market. Accelerating its pace of discovery and development is crucial to achieve global competitiveness in the 21st century. This is the reason why Xiangcheng government emphasizes the investment on those industries.

The opening ceremony of the Outstanding Engineer Research and Development Academy of Yangtze River Delta was also held during the event. Xiangcheng, in collaboration with the International Scientific Exchange Foundation of China, is setting up the Engineer Innovation Base and  Engineer Technology Innovation Center. This shows that they give great importance to Engineering STI industry, and aims to make Suzhou the “Oriental Silicon Valley”.

In order to attract more companies in the region, Xiangcheng government has launched a series of policies, including talent programs, technology innovation incentives, technology incubators, etc. As the trusted link of Chinese government, local industries and foreign businesses, EU Sino assist foreign companies to communicate with local government to secure the best possible government incentives to accelerate landing and business take-off.

Please contact us to know more about Xiangcheng policies.